Display Abstract

Title Unsteady Non-Isothermal problem with Friction Law.

Name Mahdi Boukrouche
Country France
Email Mahdi.Boukrouche@univ-st-etienne.fr
Co-Author(s) Imane Boussetouan , Laetitia Paoli
Submit Time 2014-04-04 11:51:02
Special Session 9: Dissipative systems and applications
We consider an unsteady non-isothermal fluid flow subjected to non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on a part of the boundary and the Tresca friction law on the other part. For this problem an existence result has been proved recently in Boukrouche et al. (2014) but uniqueness has been left as an open question. Starting from the approximation of the problem based on a regularization of the free boundary condition due to friction combined with a special penalty method, we establish some sharp a priori estimates leading to better regularity properties for the velocity field and to the uniqueness of the solutions. Finally we study the regularity of the pressure field and of the stress tensor.