Display Abstract

Title On the dynamics of the solutions of a biological model

Name Garyfalos Papaschinopoulos
Country Greece
Email gpapas@env.duth.gr
Co-Author(s) C. J. Schinas and G. Ellina
Submit Time 2014-04-03 07:23:38
Special Session 99: Asymptotic expansion for nonoscillatory solutions of differential and difference equations
In this paper we study the boundedness and the persistence of the positive solutions, the existence, the attractivity and the global asymptotic stability of the unique positive equilibrium and the existence of periodic solutions concerning the biological model given by \[ x_{n+1}=\displaystyle{\frac{ax_n^2}{x_n+b}}+c\displaystyle{\frac{e^{k-dx_n}}{1+e^{k-dx_n}}} \] where $0