Display Abstract

Title Transport in the Solar System using dynamical systems tools

Name Merce Olle
Country Spain
Email merce.olle@upc.edu
Submit Time 2014-04-02 12:57:36
Special Session 82: Celestial mechanics
Our main goal in this work is to give an explanation of transport in the solar system based in dynamical systems theory. More concretely we consider (as a first approximation) different bicircular problems (i.e. Sun, Jupiter, a planet and an infinitesimal mass), we take {\sl natural} periodic orbits which are unstable and we study their invariant manifolds as well as the existence of possible heteroclinic connections. The role that these particular trajectories play in relation with transport from exterior planets to the inner ones is discussed. Finally, some comments concerning a more realistic model of the Solar System are given and dynamical substitutes of invariant objects (from simpler models) are obtained. This is a joint work with E. Barrab\'es (U. de Girona), G. G\'omez (U. de Barcelona) and J.M. Mondelo (U. Aut\`onoma de Barcelona)