Display Abstract

Title Local dynamics near unstable branches of NLS solitons

Name Vianney Combet
Country France
Email vianney.combet@math.univ-lille1.fr
Co-Author(s) Tai-Peng Tsai, Ian Zwiers
Submit Time 2014-03-31 17:43:30
Special Session 36: Analytical aspects of the dynamics of nonlinear Schrodinger equations
In this talk, we will consider a branch of unstable solitons of NLS whose linearized operators have one pair of simple real eigenvalues in addition to the zero eigenvalue. Under radial symmetry and standard assumptions, we will show that solutions to initial data from a neighbourhood of the branch either converge to a soliton, or exit a larger neighbourhood of the branch transversally. The qualitative dynamic near a branch of unstable solitons is irrespective of whether blowup eventually occurs, which has practical implications for the description of blowup of NLS with supercritical nonlinearity that will be discussed.