Display Abstract

Title Close-loop stimulation in real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging

Name Norberto Malpica
Country Spain
Email norberto.malpica@urjc.es
Co-Author(s) Pablo Garcia-Polo, Juan Antonio Hernandez-Tamames
Submit Time 2014-03-31 15:09:58
Special Session 77: Theoretical, technical, and experimental challenges in closed-loop approaches in biology
Real time analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging allows quality control and analysis of the data while the subject is in the scanner. In experimental settings, very fast processing times have been achieved, and recent studies have shown that RT fMRI feedback is feasible (Weiskopf et al. 2012). RT fMRI, in comparison to all other human brain mapping techniques, represents the only non-invasive method allowing feedback regulation of deep subcortical brain regions. In current fMRI experiments, activity is regulated by the user as a result of the feedback. Closing the loop in real-time fMRI setups will allow the implementation of online activity-dependent stimulation protocols. The close-loop will take a major role in the control of brain activity, facilitating and improving subject self-regulation. The combination of different sources of stimuli (olfactory, visual and auditory) with a certain temporal structure will expose brain pathways and connectivity. By controlling all these stimuli, and modulating them online as a function of activation, we will unveil sequential activations associated to the encoding of sensorial input including cognitive responses. Weiskopf et al. Real-time fMRI and its application to neurofeedback. Neuroimage 62(2): 682-92, 2012.