Display Abstract

Title Electric Field Control of Magnetism in Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions

Name Nicholas G Kioussis
Country USA
Email nick.kioussis@csun.edu
Co-Author(s) P. V. Ong, Artur Useinov, Alan Kalitsov, and Julian Velev
Submit Time 2014-03-31 15:09:17
Special Session 71: Recent progress in spintronics: Experiment, theory and simulation
I will present electronic structure calculations of the effect of electric field and heavy metal (Ta, Hf, Pd) cap on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) of magnetic tunnel junctions. I will discuss predictions of giant sensitivity of the interfacial magnetic anisotropy energy to applied electric field which can be tuned via epitaxial strain. The underlying mechanism lies on the electric field- or strain-induced re-distribution of d-orbital character of the electronic states. I will show how the interfacial MCA can be selectively tuned by the heavy metal cap thickness through the spin-orbit coupling of the spin-polarized quantum well states. Finally, I will present predictions of the ferroelectric control of spin transfer torque (STT) in multiferroic tunnel junctions including a novel polarization-assisted STT reversal. The underlying mechanism is the interplay of the bias-induced and polarization-induced spin-dependent screening. These results open a new avenue for applications in multiferroic devices.