Display Abstract

Title Dynamics of complex biological systems determined/controlled by minimal subsets of molecules in regulatory networks

Name Atsushi Mochizuki
Country Japan
Email mochi@riken.jp
Co-Author(s) Atsushi Mochizuki and Bernold Fiedler
Submit Time 2014-03-30 21:31:07
Special Session 122: Dynamics of networks in biology and chemistry
Modern biology provides many networks describing regulations between many species of molecules. It is widely believed that the dynamics of molecular activities based on such regulatory networks are the origin of biological functions. In this study we develop a new theory to provide an important aspect of dynamics from information of regulatory linkages alone. We show that the "feedback vertex set" (FVS) of a regulatory network is a set of "determining nodes" of the dynamics. It assures that i) any long-term dynamical behavior of the whole system, such as steady states, periodic oscillations or quasi-periodic oscillations, can be identified by measurements of a subset of molecules in the network, and that ii) the subset is determined from the regulatory linkage alone. For example, dynamical attractors possibly generated by a signal transduction network with 113 molecules can be identified by measurement of the activity of only 5 molecules, if the information on the network structure is correct. We also demonstrate that controlling the dynamics of the FVS is sufficient to switch the dynamics of the whole system from one attractor to others, distinct from the original.