Display Abstract

Title Local controllability of nonlinear discrete-time systems with $n$ fractional orders

Name Ewa Pawluszewicz
Country Poland
Email e.pawluszewicz@pb.edu.pl
Co-Author(s) D.Mozyrska
Submit Time 2014-03-30 14:48:23
Special Session 20: Dynamics with fractional and time scale derivatives
The Riemann-Liouville, Caputo and Gr\"{u}nwald-Letnikov fractional order difference operators are discussed and used to state and solve the local controllability problem of local controllability in a finite number of steps of $h$-difference nonlinear control systems with $n$ fractional orders. There are used three types of forward differences: the fractional Riemann-Liouville type difference, fractional Caputo type difference and fractional Gr\"{u}nwald-Letnikov type difference. It is shown that independently of the type of fractional order difference, such a system is locally controllable in $q$ steps if its linear approximation is globally controllable in $q$ steps. \section{Acknowledgment} The work was supported by Bialystok University of Technology grant G/WM/3/2012. The project was supported by the founds of National Science Center granted on the bases of the decision number DEC-2011/03/B/ST7/03476.