Display Abstract

Title Field response of smectic A liquid crystals

Name Sookyung Joo
Country USA
Email sjoo@odu.edu
Submit Time 2014-03-27 16:30:11
Special Session 71: Recent progress in spintronics: Experiment, theory and simulation
We study the Landau-de Gennes free energy to describe the undulatory instability in smectic A liquid crystals subjected to magnetic elds. We prove this phenomena by the bifurcation theory to the nonlinear system of Landau-de Gennes model for smectic liquid crystals. We nd the critical eld and oscillatory description of the undulations which are consistent with experimental results. When the applied eld is suciently large, the smectic states are maintained, with the director parallel to the eld. We perform numerical simulations to illustrate the results of our analysis and demonstrate the tilted layers and directors near the boundary at the equilibrium state. The three dimensional study for smectic liquid crystals under the magnetic eld will be also discussed.