Display Abstract

Title Stochastic models describing the generation of dsbs of DNA by radiation

Name Yasumasa Saisho
Country Japan
Email saisho@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Submit Time 2014-03-23 22:14:06
Special Session 129: Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques for Differential Equations arising in Economics, Finance and Natural Sciences
The double-strand break (dsb) of DNA is one of the most critical lesions leading to a variety of radiobiological effects such as cancer, cell death. In this talk, we reconsider the previously constructed and generally accepted mathematical models for dsb generation, and give a concrete mathematical basis for the generation of dsbs and the calculation of the number of induced dsbs, under the assumption of randomness in the dsb location in DNA and in the number of dsbs. These models enables us to calculate the dose dependence of dsb generation ([SI]). Reference [SI] Y. Saisho and A. Ito, Mathematical models of the generation of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks, Journal of Mathematical Biology 67-3, (2013), 717-736.