Display Abstract

Title Stochastic Euler method

Name Imme I van den Berg
Country Portugal
Email ivdb@uevora.pt
Submit Time 2014-03-19 10:16:17
Special Session 114: Nonstandard Analysis, Quantizations and Singular Perturbations
We study differential equations of the form \begin{equation*} dX/dt=f(X), \end{equation*}% where $f$ may be only measurable. We intend to obtain more regularity and numerical feasability by the stochastic discretization \begin{equation*} \delta x_{t}=f(x_{t}+w_{t})\delta t. \end{equation*}% The time-step $\delta t$ is infinitesimal and the stochastic variables $w_{t} $ are Lebesgue-measurable, independent and identically distributed, but are not necessarily standard: their variance may be infinitesimal. We give conditions to ensure that the solutions are almost surely infinitely close to the more regular system% \begin{equation*} \delta y_{t}=Ef(y_{t}+w_{t})\delta t \end{equation*} Often the expectations are calculated by convolution. The regularizations obtained are of numerical interest for the original differential equation when $f$ presents discontinuites or if there is no unqueness of solutions. The results are based on joint work with C. Lobry (Nice) and T. Sari (Montpellier).