Display Abstract

Title Long range dependence and the dynamics of exploited fish populations

Name Rui V Mendes
Country Portugal
Email rvilela.mendes@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Hugo C. Mendes, Alberto Murta
Submit Time 2014-03-16 18:06:04
Special Session 77: Theoretical, technical, and experimental challenges in closed-loop approaches in biology
Long range dependence or long memory is an important notion in many processes in the natural world. Sometimes considered a nuisance in the study of these processes, the existence of long memory is in fact a bonus, in the sense that it provides a window on the underlying mechanisms that generate the observed data. Long range dependence may only be found in the higher order characteristics of the process. A process that looks short range when looked at through second-order properties, may in fact have an underlying long range dependence of higher order properties. This mechanism is illustrated by analyzing some data related to the abundance of exploited fish populations in the North Atlantic.