Display Abstract

Title Semilinear fractional elliptic equations involving measures

Name Laurent Veron
Country France
Email veronl@univ-tours.fr
Co-Author(s) Huyuan Chen
Submit Time 2014-03-13 03:27:50
Special Session 40: Qualitative aspects of linear and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems
We study the existence of weak solutions to (E) $ (-\Delta)^\alpha u+g(u)=\nu $ in a bounded regular domain $\Omega$ in $\R^N (N\ge2)$ which vanish in $\R^N\setminus\Omega$, where $(-\Delta)^\alpha$ denotes the fractional Laplacian with $\alpha\in(0,1)$, $\nu$ is a Radon measure and $g$ is a nondecreasing function satisfying some extra hypotheses. When $g$ satisfies a subcritical integrability condition, we prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solution for problem (E) for any measure. In the case where $\nu$ is Dirac measure, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of the solution. When $g(r)=|r|^{k-1}r$ with $k$ supercritical, we show that a condition of absolute continuity of the measure with respect to some Bessel capacity is a necessary and sufficient condition in order (E) to be solved.