Display Abstract

Title Well-posedness and dynamics of stochastic generalized fractional Benjiamin-Ono equation

Name Jianhua Huang
Country Peoples Rep of China
Email jhhuang32@nudt.edu.cn
Co-Author(s) Wei Yan, Boling Guo
Submit Time 2014-03-10 08:40:15
Special Session 29: Stochastic and deterministic dynamical systems and applications
In this talks, the well-posedness and dynamics of the Cauchy problem for the stochastic generalized Benjamin-Ono equation are presented. The Cauchy problem for the stochastic generalized Benjamin-Ono equation is locally well-posed for the initial data $u_{0}(x,w)\in L^{2} (\Omega; H^{s}(R))$ with $s\geq\frac{1}{2}-\frac{\alpha}{4}$, where $0< \alpha \leq 1.$ In particular, when $u_{0}\in L^{2}(\Omega; H^{\frac{\alpha+1}{2}}(R))\cap L^{\frac{2(2+3\alpha)}{\alpha}}(\Omega; L^{2}(R))$, the global well-posedness of the solution $u\in L^{2}(\Omega; H^{\frac{\alpha+1}{2}}(R))$ with $0< \alpha \leq 1$\ is also established. Our main results shows that the well-posedness depends on the order of fractional operator, the norm of Hilbert-Schmidt operator, and regularity of the initial value. Finally, the random attractor of random dynamical systems generated by the global solution is also obtained.