Display Abstract

Title k--symplectic Lie systems: theory and applications

Name Silvia Vilari\~{n}o Fernandez
Country Spain
Email silvia.vilarino@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Javier de Lucas Araujo
Submit Time 2014-03-10 07:19:46
Special Session 105: Geometric mechanics
A {\it Lie system} is a system of first--order ordinary differential equations describing the integral curves of a $t$-dependent vector field taking values in a finite-dimensional real Lie algebra of vector fields: a so-called {\it Vessiot--Guldberg Lie algebra}. We here suggest the definition of a particular class of Lie systems, the {\it $k$--symplectic Lie systems}, admitting a Vessiot--Guldberg Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields with respect to the presymplectic forms of a $k$--symplectic structure. We devise new $k$-symplectic geometric methods to study their superposition rules, time independent constants and general properties. Our results are illustrated by examples of physical and mathematical interest. As a byproduct, we find a new interesting setting of application of $k$--symplectic geometry: systems of first-order ordinary differential equations. \begin{thebibliography}{15} \bibitem{Aw-1992} A. Awane, $k$--symplectic structures, \textit{J. Math. Phys.} \textbf{33} (1992) 4046--4052. \bibitem{CGM07} J.F. Cari\~nena, J. Grabowski and G. Marmo, Superposition rules, Lie theorem and partial differential equations, \textit{Rep. Math. Phys.} \textbf{60} (2007) 237--258. \bibitem{Dissertations} J.F. Cari\~nena and J. de~Lucas, {\it Lie systems: theory, generalisations, and applications}. Diss. Math. (Rozprawy Math.) \textbf {479}. Warsaw: Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011. \end{thebibliography}