Display Abstract

Title Some conservation laws for a class of equations arising in financial mathematics.

Name Maria Gandarias
Country Spain
Email marialuz.gandarias@uca.es
Co-Author(s) Maria Luz Gandarias Maria Santos Bruzon
Submit Time 2014-03-08 06:15:22
Special Session 129: Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques for Differential Equations arising in Economics, Finance and Natural Sciences
Financial models were generally formulated in terms of stochastic differential equations. However, it was soon found that under certain restrictions these models could be written as linear evolutionary partial differemtial equation with variable coefficients. The Black and Scholes equation is an evolution equation dealing with random phenomena in the specific context of finance. The class of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arises in the sphere of stochastic control theory. Conservation laws are useful in both general theory and the analysis of concrete systems. They are usually relevant for their physical interpretation and they are also useful to determine potential symmetries. S. Anco and G. Bluman gave a general treatment of a direct conservation law method for partial differential equations expressed in a standard Cauchy-Kovaleskaya form. One of the present authors has introduced the concept of weak self-adjoint equations. This definition generalizes4 the concept of self-adjoint and quasi self-adjoint equations that were introduced by N.H. Ibragimov. We have found a class of weak self-adjoint Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations which are neither self-adjoint nor quasi self-adjoint. By using a general theorem on conservation laws proved by N.H. Ibragimov, the Lie symmetries of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations derived by V. Naicker, K. Andriopulos and P.G.L. Leach and the concept of weak self-adjointness we find conservation laws for some of these partial differential equations.