Display Abstract

Title Maximal regularity for parabolic equations.

Name Chiara Gallarati
Country Netherlands
Email c.gallarati@tudelft.nl
Co-Author(s) Mark Veraar
Submit Time 2014-03-07 03:22:04
Special Session 86: Nonlinear evolution equations and related topics
Maximal regularity can often be used to obtain a priori estimates which give global existence results. For example, using maximal regularity it is possible to solve quasi-linear and fully nonlinear PDEs by elegant linearization techniques combined with the contraction mapping principle. In this talk we will prove a new mixed $L^{p}(0,T;L^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{d}))$ maximal regularity estimate for the PDE: \[\begin{aligned}\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} u'(t,x) +A(t,x)u(t,x) = f(t,x), & x\in \mathbb{R}^{d}, \ t\in [0,T] \\ u(0,x) = u_0(x), & x\in \mathbb{R}^{d}. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}\] Here $A(t,x)$ is a second order elliptic differential operator. The main novelty in our result is that the coefficients are merely measurable in time and we allow the full range $p,q\in(1,\infty)$