Display Abstract

Title An asymptotic analysis of monotone solutions of the equation $(p(t)x')' = q(t)\phi (x)$

Name Vojislav Maric
Country Yugoslavia
Email vojam@uns.ac.rs
Co-Author(s) T. Kusano and J. Manojlovi\' c
Submit Time 2014-03-06 07:08:11
Special Session 99: Asymptotic expansion for nonoscillatory solutions of differential and difference equations
Let $p$, $q$, $\phi $ be positive, continuous functions on a half-axis $[a,\infty )$. In the recent years a number of papers appeared dealing with the asymptotic behavior for $t\rightarrow \infty $ of positive monotone solutions $x(t)$ of the mentioned equation in the framework of regular variation in the sense of Karamata. We present the precise asymptotic for $t\rightarrow \infty $ of increasing solutions for the cases $$ \mbox{a)} \quad \phi (x) = x^{\gamma } , \; \gamma > 1 , \qquad \mbox{b)} \quad p(t) = 1 . $$ Some of these result overlap with the ones of V.M. Evtukhov and A.M. Samoilenko for the $n$-th order equation $x^{(n)} = q(t)\phi (x)$ studied by a different approach.