Display Abstract

Title Passive measurements in an inverse problem on Lorentzian manifolds

Name Yaroslav Kurylev
Country England
Email y.kurylev@math.ucl.ac.uk
Co-Author(s) M. Lassas, G. Uhlmann
Submit Time 2014-03-03 04:38:33
Special Session 57: Inverse problems in PDE and geometry
We consider an inverse problem of the recovering of a part of a Lorentzian manifold $(M, g)$ from passive measurements. Namely, let $\mu([0,1])$ be a time-like curve and $U$ is its neighbourhood. Let $V$ be a relatively compact region in $J^-(\mu(1)) \setminus I^-(\mu(0))$, where $J^-(p)$ is the causal past of $p$. We assume that, for any $q \in V$ we know the set of the light observations $U \cap L^+(q)$, where $L^+(q)$ is the future light cone from $q$. Note that this type of data corresponds to the observation of supernovas, quasars, etc in astronomy. Assuming that $(M, g)$ is strongly hyperbolic, we prove that this data uniquely determine $V$ and the conformal class of $g|_V$.