Display Abstract

Title Hamilton-Jacobi Theorems for Non-holonomic Reducible Hamiltonian Systems on a Cotangent Bundle

Name Hong Wang
Country Peoples Rep of China
Email hongwang@nankai.edu.cn
Co-Author(s) Manuel de Leon
Submit Time 2014-03-03 04:29:25
Special Session 105: Geometric mechanics
In this talk, we first generalize the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theorem for Hamiltonian system to the non-holonomic context, and obtain a Hamilton-Jacobi theorem for non-holonomic Hamiltonian system on the cotangent bundle of a configuration manifold, by using its distributional Hamiltonian system under a weaker condition. Then we generalize the above result to non-holonomic reducible Hamiltonian system with symmetry, as well as with momentum map, and obtain the Hamilton-Jacobi theorems for non-holonomic reduced Hamiltonian systems, by using the non-holonomic reduced distributional Hamiltonian systems. As an application of the theoretical results, we consider the motions of the constrained particle in space $\mathbb{R}^3$ and the vertical rolling disk, and give the Hamilton-Jacobi equations of the two systems as non-holonomic reduced distributional Hamiltonian systems. Keywords: \; Hamilton-Jacobi theorem, \; non-holonomic Hamiltonian system, \; distributional Hamiltonian system, \; nonholonomic reduction, \; momentum map. AMS Classification: 70H20, \; 70F25,\; 53D20.