Display Abstract

Title On analytic proof of existence of Lorenz attractor

Name Ivan Ovsyannikov
Country England
Email Ivan.I.Ovsyannikov@gmail.com
Submit Time 2014-03-01 06:28:16
Special Session 25: Dynamics of chaotic and complex systems and applications
The main goal on the current work is the proof of the existence of a geometrical Lorenz attractor in the Lorenz-Yudovich model: $$ \begin{array} \dot X = Y, \\ \dot Y = X - \lambda Y - X Z - X^3, \\ \dot Z = -\alpha Z + B X^2, \end{array} $$ where parameters $(\alpha, \lambda, B)$ can take arbitrary finite values. The proof is based on the Shilnikov criterion [1]. According to it, in a system possessing two homoclinic orbits that tend to the same saddle equilibrium tangent to each other (a homoclinic butterfly-figure-eight) a Lorenz attractor is born if a saddle value $\sigma$ is zero and a separatrix value $A$ satisfies inequalities $0 < |A| < 2$ and $|A| \neq 1$. For the Lorenz-Yudovich model the separatrix value was calculated and the existence of Lorenz attractor was established near the integrable case $(\alpha, \lambda, B) = (1, 0, 0)$. [1] Shilnikov L.P. Theory of bifurcations and quasihyperbolic attractors. Rus. Math. Surv., 36:4, 1981.