Display Abstract

Title Swarms in bounded domains

Name Dieter Armbruster
Country USA
Email armbruster@asu.edu
Co-Author(s) Andrea Thatcher, Sebastian Motsch, Christian Ringhofer
Submit Time 2014-02-28 20:39:36
Special Session 102: Kinetic models for multi-agent systems modeling socio-economic behavior
We numerically study the Vicsek swarm model in a circular, a rectangular and a channel domain as a function of the parameters governing the individual particles and their interaction and the geometry of the domain. Scale free parameters characterizing the observed swarm behavior are presented. We find different regimes and characterize them through experimental observables like the trajectory of the center of mass, the mean density profile of a swarming motion and the connectivity to the swarm. While individual particles are reflected at a boundary the swarm as a whole interacts in much more complicated ways with the boundary. We discuss how the interaction of the particles with the boundary creates boundary layers for the swarm flows and compare them to hydrodynamic boundary layers.