Display Abstract

Title Some recent developments in parameterization of stable/unstable manifolds

Name Jason D Mireles James
Country USA
Email jmireles@math.rutgers.edu
Co-Author(s) J.D. Mireles James
Submit Time 2014-02-28 20:35:55
Special Session 117: Rigorous and numerical methods for invariant manifolds
I will discuss some new applications of the Parameterization Method for invariant manifolds. In particular we examine how the Floquet normal form for a hyperbolic periodic orbit can be used in order to efficiently compute high order Fourier-Taylor expansions for the stable/unstable manifolds of the orbit. I will discuss an analogous normal form for fast/slow invariant sub manifolds which aids in the computation of the invariant linear bundles of the sub manifold. I will try to motivate the material with examples and computations.