Display Abstract

Title A high order numerical scheme for an atherosclerosis model

Name Arturo Hidalgo
Country Spain
Email arturo.hidalgo@upm.es
Submit Time 2014-02-28 17:57:09
Special Session 9: Dissipative systems and applications
We study an diffusion -- reaction mathematical model for the evolution of atherosclerosis as an inflammation disease. A high order finite volume formulation in the context of ADER approach is developed to approximate the time-dependent solutions of the model proposed by El Khatib et al. (2007). Concerning the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions, the numerical examples show that a small perturbation of a healthy steady state makes the system evolve to a disease equilibrium for some choice of the parameters. We apply our numerical scheme to determine if each initial datum in a huge family of initial data is attracted by a disease equilibrium or by a healthy steady state. Simultaneously we compute the steady states. This is a joint work with L. Tello (Universidad Polit\'ecnica de Madrid) and E.F. Toro (Universit\`a degli Studi di Trento).