Display Abstract

Title Travelling waves in hybrid chemotaxis models

Name Radek Erban
Country England
Email erban@maths.ox.ac.uk
Co-Author(s) Benjamin Franz, Chuan Xue, Kevin J. Painter
Submit Time 2014-02-28 17:51:11
Special Session 115: Mathematical models of chemotaxis
Hybrid models of chemotaxis combine agent-based models of cells with partial differential equation (PDE) models of extracellular chemical signals. I will discuss travelling wave properties of hybrid models of bacterial chemotaxis. Bacteria are modelled using an agent-based (individual-based) approach with internal dynamics describing signal transduction. In addition to the chemotactic behaviour of the bacteria, the individual-based model also includes cell proliferation and death. Cells consume the extracellular nutrient field (chemoattractant) which is modelled using a PDE. Mesoscopic and macroscopic equations representing the behaviour of the hybrid model are derived and the existence of travelling wave solutions for these models is established.