Display Abstract

Title Stability, periodicity, and global dynamics in a class of multi-dimensional maps

Name Anatoli F Ivanov
Country USA
Email afi1@psu.edu
Submit Time 2014-02-28 16:53:04
Special Session 30: Discrete dynamics and applications
We study dynamics of multi-dimensional maps $F_i$ of the form $$ F_i: [u_1,u_2,\dots,u_{N-1},u_N]\mapsto [u_1+a_if(x_{N}),u_1,u_2,\dots,u_{N-1}], $$ where $f$ is a fixed one-dimensional map on $\mathbb R$ and $a_i, i=1,\dots,K$, are real numbers. Such maps result from exact reduction of dynamics in periodic differential delay equations with piece-wise constant argument of the form $$ x^{\,\prime}(t)=a(t)g(x([t-N])), $$ where $a(t)$ is a $K$-periodic function, $g$ is a real valued function, and $[\cdot]$ is the integer part function. We address the problems of global stability of a unique fixed point, existence and stability of cycles (periodic points), and other questions of global dynamics in such maps and their compositions.