Display Abstract

Title Homogenization for a kinetic description of self-assembly of fibrous materials

Name Adrian Muntean
Country Netherlands
Email a.muntean@tue.nl
Co-Author(s) Kees Storm, Bart van Lith
Submit Time 2014-02-28 16:52:52
Special Session 27: Mathematical problems in economics, materials and life science: Analysis and simulation of nonlinear multiscale dynamics
We present a continuum PDE-ODE model for collagen self-assembly describing the interplay between the change in the polymer distribution and the evolution of monomers. We endow the model with periodic coefficients, where the small parameter $\epsilon$ is interpreted as the ratio of lengths of monomers and fibrils. After applying a fixed-point homogenization argument and proving corrector estimates, we use information from the first-order corrections to explain the so-called {\em turbidity measurement}.