Display Abstract

Title Positive equilibria of structured population dynamics and fixed points of set valued maps

Name Angel Calsina
Country Spain
Email acalsina@mat.uab.cat
Submit Time 2014-01-10 11:42:45
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
We consider the existence of positive steady states of nonlinear evolution equations arising in structured population dynamics. Often these problems can be reduced to an eigenvector problem for a parameterized family of unbounded linear operators plus a finite dimensional fixed point problem for a (in general) set-valued map. When the vital rates are monotonous functions of the interaction variables this map is single-valued and the existence of equilibria can be established by standard procedures. In the general case, some results can be obtained in the case of two dimensional nonlinearities [1]. As an example, we will consider the case of a selection mutation equation for the density of individuals with respect to an evolutionary trait, namely the age at maturity, and with respect to physiological age ([2]). [1] A. Calsina, J. Farkas, Positive steady states of structured population models with finite dimensional nonlinearities. Submitted [2] A. Calsina and J. M. Palmada, Steady states of a selection-mutation model for an age structured population, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 400 (2013), 386-395.