Display Abstract

Title Estimates for nonlocal analogues of the wave equation

Name John Stalker
Country Ireland
Email stalker@maths.tcd.ie
Submit Time 2014-02-28 15:09:35
Special Session 52: Nonlinear evolution equations
I will discuss some integrodifferential equations of which the simplest is \[ u _ { t t } + \mu u = J \star u \] where $J \in L ^ 1 ( \mathbf R ^ { 1 + n })$ is nonnegative and $\mu = \int J$. This equation is very far from satisfying Huygens' principle. In fact, the support of any nonzero solution is all of $\mathbf R ^ { 1 + n }$. It can, nonetheless, be thought of as an analogue of the wave equation and satisfies some of the same estimates. It even exhibits a sort of ``almost finite speed of propagation.''