Display Abstract

Title On asymptotic behavior of blow-up and Knezer solutions to nonlinear higher order equations

Name Irina V Astashova
Country Russia
Email ast@diffiety.ac.ru
Submit Time 2014-02-28 14:47:24
Special Session 99: Asymptotic expansion for nonoscillatory solutions of differential and difference equations
For the equation $y^{(n)}+p(x,y,y',...y^{(n-1)})\;|y|^k {\rm sgn} y = 0$ with $n\ge1,$ real $k>1$ and a continuous function $p$ some results about the asymptotic behavior of blow-up and Kneser solutions are obtained. The existence of such solutions with non-power asymptotic behavior is proved for constant negative $p$ and $n=12,13,14.$ It is also proved that the equation can have an oscillatory solution with special asymptotic behavior. This yields the existence of solutions with arbitrary number of zeros. The problem of asymptotic equivalence of solutions is investigated for the above equation and a slightly modified one.