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Title Sign changing radial solutions on $\R^N$ for an equation with a $p$-Laplace operator and weights

Name Raul Manasevich
Country Chile
Email manasevi@dim.uchile.cl
Co-Author(s) C. Cortazar, J. Dolbeault, and M. Garcia-Huidobro
Submit Time 2014-02-28 14:09:40
Special Session 40: Qualitative aspects of linear and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems
Radial solutions that change sign for a general elliptic equation involving a weighted $p$-Laplace operator with a subcritical nonlinearity are considered. We prove existence of solutions with any prescribed number of nodes based on a change of variables in the phase plane, a very general computation of an angular velocity and new estimates for the decay of an energy associated with an asymptotic Hamiltonian problem. We cover the case of solutions which are not compactly supported or have compact support. Joint work with C. Cort\'azar, J. Dolbeault, and M. Garc\'ia-Huidobro