Display Abstract

Title Rauch and Bonnet-Myers type comparison theorems in sub-Riemannian geometry

Name Igor Zelenko
Country USA
Email zelenko@math.tamu.edu
Submit Time 2014-02-28 14:04:03
Special Session 16: Optimal control and its applications
We will give estimates for the number of conjugate points along extremals of a general sub-Riemannian metric in terms of curvature-type invariants of this metric. These estimates generalize the classical Rauch and Bonnet-Myers comparison theorems in Riemannian Geometry and they are based on the differential geometry of curves in Lagrangian Grassmannians developed in my previous works with Chengbo Li. The special emphasis will be given to the case of sub-Riemannian metrics on distributions of rank 2 where the formulation of the comparison theorems is especially simple.