Display Abstract

Title A Spectral Method for Linear Half-Space Kinetic Equations

Name Weiran Sun
Country Canada
Email weirans@sfu.ca
Co-Author(s) Qin Li, Jianfeng Lu, Weiran Sun
Submit Time 2014-02-28 13:24:30
Special Session 72: Kinetic models - analysis, computation, and applications
In this talk we will present a spectral method to solve a family of linear half-space kinetic equations. This type of equations naturally arise in boundary layer analysis of kinetic equations. In order to achieve a quasi-optimality for the numerical scheme, we modify the half-space equation first to make the collision operator coercive and then reconstruct the solution to the original kinetic equation. The quasi-optimality is proved by verifying that the bilinear operator involved in the variational form of the half-space equation satisfies an inf-sup condition. A numerical example is shown for the linearized BGK equation. This is joint work with Qin Li and Jianfeng Lu.