Display Abstract

Title Index theory in Celestial Mechanics: recent results and new perspectives

Name Alessandro Portaluri
Country Italy
Email alessandro.portaluri@unito.it
Submit Time 2014-02-28 12:30:03
Special Session 15: Geometric and variational techniques in the N-body problem
In the last decades a zoo of new symmetric periodic collisionless orbits for the $N$\nobreakdash-bo\-dy problem appeared in the literature as minimizers of the Lagrangian action functional. Certainly one of the key features of such orbits is their Morse index, as well as their linear (in)stability properties. A central device useful to deeply understand these questions is based on a well-known symplectic invariant: the Maslov index. In this talk we revise some important achievements in the field, stressing the importance of a Bott-type iteration formula for periodic solutions which are the object of a finite group action, and we present some interesting perspectives necessary to try to penetrate the intricate dynamics of the problem.