Display Abstract

Title Asymptotic properties of Kneser solutions to nonlinear second order ODE with regularly varying coefficients

Name Jana Vampolova
Country Czech Rep
Email jana.vampolova@upol.cz
Co-Author(s) Irena Rachunkova
Submit Time 2014-02-28 11:41:55
Special Session 99: Asymptotic expansion for nonoscillatory solutions of differential and difference equations
In the recent join work with professor Irena Rachunkova (Palacky University Olomouc) we investigate one class of solutions to the second order differential equation $$ \left( p(t)u'(t) \right)' + q(t)f\left( u(t) \right)=0, $$ on the interval $[a,\infty), a\geq 0$, where $p$ and $q$ are regularly varying functions. Our aim is to describe asymptotic behaviour of non-oscillatory solutions satisfying one of the following conditions \begin{eqnarray*} u(a)=u_0\in (0,L), \ 0\leq u(t)\leq L, \ t\in [a,\infty),\\ u(a)=u_0\in (L_0,0), \ L_0\leq u(t)\leq 0,\ t\in [a,\infty), \end{eqnarray*} where the interval $[L_0, L]$ is determinated by function $f$. Asymptotic formulas are derived for solutions of the above problem and for their first derivatives. We prove the existence of Kneser solutions on $[a,\infty), a>0$ and we also discuss the singular case $a=0$ and $p(0)=0$ provided $q\equiv p$.