Display Abstract

Title Modelling the evolution of a reversible drug-tolerant phenotype in a cancer cell population, mediated by stochastic and drug-induced epimutations

Name Rebecca H Chisholm
Country France
Email rebecca.chisholm@inria.fr
Co-Author(s) Jean Clairambault, Tommaso Lorenzi, Alexander Lorz, Benoit Perthame
Submit Time 2014-02-28 11:16:57
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
Epigenetic mechanisms are becoming increasingly implicated in the evolution of drug-resistance in cancer cell populations. However, these mechanisms are not well understood. Recent experiments on NSCLC-derived (PC9) cell lines revealed a sub-population of cells that, in response to anti-cancer drugs, were able to acquire transient drug-resistance (Sharma et al., Cell, 2010). Interestingly, this reversible drug-tolerant state was shown to be the result of epigenetic modifications, rather than genetic mutation. Motivated by these results, we formulate a mathematical model of phenotype variation in a cancer cell population in order to understand the mechanisms responsible for the reversible, drug-resistant phenotype observed in NSCLC-derived (PC9) cell lines. We assume that both stochastic variation in cell phenotype due to biological noise and stress-induced adaption are functioning in parallel without genetic mutation. Our model recovers the evolution of the PC9 cells into the drug-tolerant cells in the presence of a cytotoxic drug therapy. It also captures the dynamics of drug-resensitisation that were observed after drug-washout.