Display Abstract

Title Intermediate dynamics of population models in fluctuating environments

Name Tommaso Lorenzi
Country France
Email tommaso.lorenzi@upmc.fr
Co-Author(s) Alexander Lorz
Submit Time 2014-02-28 11:14:45
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
We consider a class of differential equations that describes the dynamics of phenotype-structured populations embedded in time-fluctuating environments. The solutions of these equations are known to concentrate as one or several Dirac masses, whose concentration points evolve in time. We study how the frequency of environmental oscillations affects the evolution of the concentration points. In particular, we find sufficient conditions that allow the coexistence of several Dirac masses, on intermediate time scales. Moreover, we provide numerical simulations that illustrate analytical results and show an interesting sample of solutions. Our motivation comes from structured equations that describe the evolution of cancer cell populations and the emergence of resistance under anti-cancer drugs.