Display Abstract

Title Invading the ideal free distribution

Name King-Yeung Lam
Country USA
Email lam.184@math.ohio-state.edu
Co-Author(s) King-Yeung Lam and Daniel Munther
Submit Time 2014-02-28 10:35:02
Special Session 107: Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in reaction-diffusion-advection models and applications to biology
Recently, the ideal free dispersal strategy has been proven to be evolutionarily stable in the spatially discrete as well as continuous setting. That is, at equilibrium a species adopting the strategy is immune against invasion by any species carrying a di fferent dispersal strategy, other conditions being held equal. In this talk, we consider a two-species competition model where one of the species adopts an ideal free dispersal strategy, but is penalized by a weak Allee eff ect. We will show rigorously in this case that the ideal free disperser is invasible by a range of non-ideal free strategies, illustrating the trade-o ff between the advantage of being an ideal free disperser and the setback caused by the weak Allee eff ect. Moreover, a sharp integral criterion is given to determine the stability/instability of one of the semi-trivial steady state, which is always linearly neutrally stable due to the degeneracy caused by the weak Allee e ffect.