Display Abstract

Title Physics based modelling of friction

Name Krzysztof Jankowski
Country Poland
Email krzysztof.m.jankowski@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Andrzej Stefanski, Ashesh Saha
Submit Time 2014-02-28 10:13:33
Special Session 25: Dynamics of chaotic and complex systems and applications
In this paper, an overview of physics based modelling of friction phenomenon, emphasizing the transition from microscale to macroscale is presented. The asperities in the contacting surfaces are replaced by spring-mass systems. Coupling is introduced between the dynamic loading alterations in normal and tangential directions. The forces acting on a single asperity, considered as spring-mass system, are then combined statistically to produce the friction force over the entire surface. The present paper proposes an innovative approach to connect the pre-sliding and the pure sliding regimes of the friction force, starting from the dynamics of a single asperity.