Display Abstract

Title Measure valued directional sparsity for parabolic optimal control problems

Name Konstantin Pieper
Country Germany
Email pieper@ma.tum.de
Co-Author(s) Karl Kunisch, Boris Vexler
Submit Time 2014-02-28 10:07:15
Special Session 48: Sparse optimization and optimal control in dynamical systems and PDEs
We consider a parabolic optimal control problem with a directional sparsity functional, where the control variable is searched for in the space of vector measures \(\mathcal{M}(\Omega_c, L^2(I))\). \begin{equation*} \text{Minimize }\; \frac12 {\|y - y_d\|}_{L^2(I \times \Omega_o)}^2 + \alpha {\|u\|}_{\mathcal{M}(\Omega_c, L^2(I))}, \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} \text{subject to }\; \partial_t y + A y = u \quad\text{in } I\times\Omega. \end{equation*} The optimal solutions of this problem are localized in space, where the spatial support is independent of time. We establish an appropriate function space setting for the problem and derive structural properties of the minimizer from the optimality conditions. A typical solution given by a sum of point sources with time dependent intensities, \(u = \sum_i u_i(t) \delta_{x_i}\). We motivate this problem formulation by discussing an application to a deconvolution problem. Furthermore we discuss a suitable finite element discretization and an efficient solution method within a path-following Newton framework. We provide an a priori error analysis for the discretization of the optimal control problem.