Display Abstract

Title Two folk theorems in topological dynamics

Name Joe Auslander
Country USA
Email jna@math.umd.edu
Submit Time 2014-02-28 09:40:48
Special Session 7: Topological and combinatorial dynamics
Let $(X,T)$ be a flow, where $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space. Recall that by definition $(X,T)$ is distal if the proximal relation $P$ is trivial ($P=\Delta$) and an elementary argument shows that $(X,T)$ is equicontinuous if the regionally proximal relation $RP$ is trivial. One would expect the following to be the case: THEOREM. Let $\pi:X \to Y$ be a homomorphism (continuous surjective equivariant map). If $\pi(P)=\Delta$ then $(Y,T)$ is distal, and if $\pi(RP)=\Delta$ then $(Y,T)$ is equicontinuous. An immediate consequence is that for any flow the distal structure relation is the closed invariant equivalence relation generated by $P$, and similarly for the equicontinuous structure relation with $RP$. The theorem is well known (and true) but I have not seen it in print. Moreover, surprisingly, the proof is not immediate.