Display Abstract

Title Optimal regularity and long-time behavior of solutions for Kuznetsov's equation with inhomogeneous boundary data, Part 2

Name Mathias Wilke
Country Germany
Email mathias.wilke@mathematik.uni-halle.de
Co-Author(s) Stefan Meyer
Submit Time 2014-02-28 09:05:38
Special Session 108: Mathematics of Nonlinear Acoustics
We investigate a quasilinear initial-boundary value problem for Kuznetsov's equation \begin{align*} u_{tt} - c^2\Delta_x u - b \Delta_x u_t &= k (u^2)_{tt}+\rho_0(v\cdot v)_{tt}, \end{align*} with a non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. This model describes the propagation of sound in a fluidic medium when the external pressure is prescribed. We prove that for small initial and boundary data there exists a unique global solution with optimal $L_p$-regularity. We show furthermore that the solution converges to zero at an exponential rate as time tends to infinity. Our techniques are based on maximal $L_p$-regularity for quasilinear parabolic equations. Part 2 - The nonlinear problem can be solved with the implicit function theorem, since its linearization has maximal regularity and therefore generates a topological isomorphism between the space of solutions and the space of data.