Display Abstract

Title From constant mean curvature surfaces to overdetermined elliptic problems

Name Pieralberto Sicbaldi
Country France
Email pieralberto.sicbaldi@univ-amu.fr
Submit Time 2014-02-28 08:46:27
Special Session 76: Viscosity, nonlinearity and maximum principle
Analysis tools (PDE's Theory, Functional Analysis, Measure Theory, Harmonic Analysis,...) are often used in Di fferential Geometry to solve natural problems concerning minimal or constant mean curvature surfaces. Conversely, the use of Geometry as a tool to solve analytical problems is less frequent. In this talk I would like to show that minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces can be used in order to find a classi cation of solutions to some overdetermined elliptic problems in domains of the Euclidean space, i.e. solutions to some elliptic diff erential equations with two boundary conditions.