Display Abstract

Title Understanding hermaphrodite species through game theory

Name Slimane Ben Miled
Country Tunisia
Email slimane@ipeit.rnu.tn
Co-Author(s) Amira Kebir
Submit Time 2014-02-28 07:24:01
Special Session 66: Deterministic and stochastic models in biology and medicine
Classical size advantage model (SAH), has been successful in assessing the adaptive significance of sex change and predicting within-species patterns, but fail to explain adaptive significant of sex-reversal strategy. In fact, experiments have confirmed an increasing list of sequential hermaphrodite species in which multiple sex reversals can occur: sex allocation is sensitive to individuals size relative to others in the social group and the sex-ratio of the social group. Our main objective is to study how the distribution by size and gender can affect the sexual behavior of a hermaphrodite. So we assume that among hermaphrodite there are different kind of sexual strategies depending on their environment like: sexual preference, gender partner distribution, size distribution \dots. In this work we are interested in the mathematical analysis of a general game theoretical model for a hermaphrodite population structured by size and sexual strategy. Our main objective is to study how the distribution by size and gender can affect the sexual behavior of a hermaphrodite from evolutionary point of view. So we assume that among hermaphrodite there are different kind of sexual strategies depending on their environment like: sexual preference, gender partner distribution, size distribution ....