Display Abstract

Title Carleman estimates for high-order elliptic operators

Name J\'er\^ome Le Rousseau
Country France
Email jlr@univ-orleans.fr
Co-Author(s) Mourad Bellassoued
Submit Time 2014-02-28 06:04:21
Special Session 57: Inverse problems in PDE and geometry
We consider elliptic operators of even order with complex coefficients and we derive microlocal and local Carleman estimates near a boundary, under sub-ellipticity and strong Lopatinskii conditions or near an interface under sub-ellipticity and proper transmission conditions. Carleman estimates are weighted a priori estimates for the solutions of the associated elliptic problem. The weight is of exponential form, $\exp(\tau \varphi)$, where $\tau$ is meant to be taken as large as desired. Such estimates have numerous applications in unique continuation, inverse problems, and control theory.