Display Abstract

Title On a class of K\"ahlerian Hamiltonian systems on infinite dimensional K\"ahler manifolds with holomorphic flows

Name Alberto Ibort
Country Spain
Email albertoi@math.uc3m.es
Co-Author(s) A. Ibort
Submit Time 2014-02-28 03:46:19
Special Session 105: Geometric mechanics
Kato's representation theorem provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a densely defined positive Hermitean quadratic form on a Hilbert space to be representable by a (positive) self-adjoint operator, hence to define a strongly continuous one-parameter group of unitary operators and conversely. In this talk we will explore a non-linear extension of this correspondence: given an infinite dimensional K\"ahler manifold, we will introduce a class of functions (not necessarily continuous) that give rise to one-parameter groups of holomorphic transformations as in Kato's theorem, that is, they can be represented by a Hamiltonian dynamical system, whose flow is the desired one-parameter group of transformations. These functions will be called K\"ahlerian and they will be characterized in terms of the analytical structure of the K\"ahler manifold.