Display Abstract

Title Geometric theory of garden hose dynamics

Name Vakhtang Putkaradze
Country Canada
Email putkarad@ualberta.ca
Co-Author(s) Francois Gay-Balmaz
Submit Time 2014-02-27 17:45:11
Special Session 105: Geometric mechanics
A garden hose inevitably wiggles and twists when water is rushing through it. We derive a fully three-dimensional, geometrically exact theory for this phenomenon. The theory also incorporates the change of the cross-section available to the fluid motion during the dynamics. Our approach is based on the symmetry-reduced, exact geometric description for elastic rods, coupled with the fluid transport and subject to the volume conservation constraint for the fluid. We analyze the linear stability, and show that the change of cross-section plays an important role. We derive and analyze several analytical, fully nonlinear solutions of traveling wave type in two dimensions. Time permitting, we shall also discuss the effects of the boundary conditions and experimental results.