Display Abstract

Title Positive solutions for a nonlocal nonlinear elliptic system arising in desertification theory.

Name Jesus Hernandez
Country Spain
Email jesus.hernandez@uam.es
Submit Time 2014-02-27 17:11:58
Special Session 44: Quasilinear elliptic and parabolic problems and their applications
We study existence of positive solutions for a 3 x 3 nonlinear nonlocal elliptic system previously studied by J.I. Diaz and P. Za. We consider different versions of the mathematical model in theis paper. We prove first existence of positive solutions for the full system both in the nonlocal version and for a simplified local one by using Schauder fixed point Then we prove existence for a simplified 2 x 2 local cooperative system by using sub and supersolutions. Finally, a reduced model for one single equation is considered giving conditions for existence and uniqueness, or multiplicity, depending on some parameters. This is joint work with J.I.Diaz.