Display Abstract

Title Propagation of polariton wavepackets

Name Fabrice P Laussy
Country Spain
Email fabrice.laussy@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) F.P. Laussy, J. Restrepo Cuartas, D. Colas, G. Guirales, D. Vishnevsky, E. del Valle, L. Dominici, M. de Giorgi, S. Donati, D. Ballarini and D. Sanvitto.
Submit Time 2014-02-27 14:45:36
Special Session 110: Nonlinear Schrodinger equations and its applications
Polaritons in microcavities can reach a regime where they are well described by a set of two coupled Schr\"odinger equations. This gives rise to quantum particles with a peculiar dispersion relation. We first give an overview of how such objects permit to revisit the physics of propagating Schr\"odinger wavepackets, with new insights such as the character of soliton-like propagation, properties such as self-healing, the nature of a Galilean boost for a wavefunction, generalization of fundamental concepts such as spacetime Rabi oscillations and other remarkable properties such as the emergence of sub-packets with properties defying the character of the whole. Their Physics can then be extended in countless directions and variations, with inclusion of ingredients such as dissipation, that can lead to negative effective mass, particle-particle interactions that turn one component into a Gross-Pitaevskii equation, external driving---coherent and/or incoherent---leading to parametric processes, condensation, dissipative solitons, etc. We focus on a few particular cases that illustrate the aforementioned scenarios and link the theoretical results to actual experimental observations, some of them as yet not fully understood.