Display Abstract

Title A multiscale method for ideal fluid flow

Name Henry Jacobs
Country England
Email hoj201@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Darryl D. Holm, Collin J. Cotter, David M. Meier
Submit Time 2014-02-27 14:05:29
Special Session 105: Geometric mechanics
In this talk we present an infinite hierarchy of particle-like solutions to a regularized form of Euler's fluid equations. In these particle-like solutions each particle stores internal Lie group structures which correspond to higher order deformation gradients of the flow map. Collision experiments suggest that two particles at one level in the hierachy can asymptotically merge into a single particle at a higher-level in the hierarchy. We will display some of these collisions and provide a formal argument to explain this phenomena. These collision events are interpreted as a cascade to smaller scales.